Download mailpile for Linux


Mailpile packages are currently available for recent Debian-derived distributions, including Ubuntu. The packages are architecture-independent and should be compatible with most desktops, servers and embedded hardware (such as the Raspberry Pi). They have been tested on Debian 8, Debian 9 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

You can download the package files directly or use our repository. Using the repository is recommended, so you don't miss important security updates or bugfixes.

We hope to add support for other package formats in the near future. In the meantime, you can use the source, Luke!

Apache Integration: "Multipile"

In addition to the core mailpile package, we currently offer an optional package named mailpile-apache2.

This package will add a simple "launch and proxy" configuration to the Apache web server, which will allow any user on the machine to access their Mailpile over the web at Some administration is required; please consult the documentation.

Be careful! We do not recommend exposing Mailpile to the public web without first enabling HTTPS encryption! Lets encrypt helps make that easy.

Nightly vs. Release

Two sets of packages are provided, nightly packages which are automatically built from the Github master branch and release packages which are updated less frequently and should be more stable.

The release packages are recommended, unless you are eager to help debug and test our latest work... which would be most appreciated!

Version Numbers

Note that the release candidate packages have version numbers in the 0.99.* range. This is done so we can release a 1.0.0 package later on and be sure it will be considered "newer" than the release candidates.

Debian Repository

Using one of our Debian repositories is the recommended way to install Mailpile on Linux, since it makes updates and upgrades quick and easy.

Adding the Repository

To use our repositories you will first need to add the packaging signing key using the `apt-key` tool and then add the repository itself to your list of APT sources. Commands for accomplishing this are listed below (for completeness we include commands to install curl and the apt tools - you may already have these installed).

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl apt-transport-https gnupg

$ curl -s |sudo apt-key add -

$ echo "deb release main" |sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/000-mailpile.list

Note that if you wish to use our nightly builds instead of the release packages, you need to replace the word release with nightly in the APT sources entry.

Installing Mailpile

You can now install Mailpile (with or without the Apache integration) with a single command:

## Mailpile
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mailpile
## Multipile
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mailpile-apache2

Now you should be able to run mailpile on the command line and join the fun! If you have installed the Apache integration, you can access and log on that way.


$ sudo apt-get remove mailpile mailpile-apache2

$ sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/000-mailpile.list && sudo apt-get update

You may also want to consult our Wiki for details about how to remove Mailpile's data files.

Debian Packages

release python-icalendar_4.0.3-2_all.deb

SHA256: 2c485e66cdaccae70ec64be8bfc6169ebd4d412a12dbd791d31d86ca1ae274ff
release python-pgp-passtool_0.0.1-1_all.deb

SHA256: 3f93c486ee2df18b0a5672cf644386bd3615004f5b009d6bde2be2e4428080f2
release python-gui-o-matic_0.1.89-1_all.deb
The GUI tool used by our desktop integration package
SHA256: a26837c5ed06b595901808991c0680c70929a2bc23db80c7cde260c5d07fe5bd
release mailpile_0.99.6~1.0202309070147-1_all.deb
This is Mailpile!
SHA256: c27e6e60f82888ccb97b9b54fc508407945546e3d111272fea828932fc5fafa3
release python-monotonic_1.1-2_all.deb
Monotonic time for Python, not needed on all systems.
SHA256: d989ad8d024e6e14d98876800961bb47bf769af17ebb3090ea82f2f635bdc231
release mailpile-apache2_0.99.6~1.0202309070147-1_all.deb
"Multipile" Multi-user Apache integration.
SHA256: cb65ff5931a9e0f57c9c94a21d2a82d3a15432be18d31894fcf1bdaf5ef3f72b
release python-fasteners_0.12.0-3_all.deb
File-system locking library, not needed on all systems.
SHA256: e2d4383ec11a3260c41b72e8f4ada1883f98a8dc2336689a9382fe76f6857d35
release mailpile-desktop_0.99.6~1.0202309070147-1_all.deb
Mailpile Desktop Integration package
SHA256: 780373dc4464a40058cb65bae0630301247350ab9f984cb92d2075ef1a698ccf
release python-socksipychain_2.0.15b-0pagekite_all.deb
SOCKS5 connection library, not needed on all systems.
SHA256: b85f71d1a56a8686abf156bd8797ec8fc9278f264d3b55ca54510ea919154e0a
release pagekite_1.0.0.190721_all.deb
Reverse proxy tunnel, not needed on all systems.
SHA256: da34242d79278ade0517e0dea10e38504f8cdbb6e6de9c0fd54d0fda6160df48
release python-imgsize_2.0-1_all.deb
Pure-Python image size library, not needed on all systems.
SHA256: f227b58b54c8046190dc90e4bd78cef816a400c8b1d8961fae9809a8360ec826
nightly mailpile-apache2_0.99.6~dev202304140315-1_all.deb
"Multipile" Multi-user Apache integration.
SHA256: 54455e55566d52a7e1029d5bf68e3074b5d141b81506ea7994b08ab703cf53e3
nightly mailpile-desktop_0.99.6~dev202304140315-1_all.deb
Mailpile Desktop Integration package
SHA256: c9d44ba93d10d7d8052eb5ea20705d96e29def6f6fd3ad1377beee1defd8d26e
nightly mailpile_0.99.6~dev202304140315-1_all.deb
This is Mailpile!
SHA256: 44aa1494a0129363cb305b429c4a3e6e3afe41a201e50df82a50e9ff6d6c688e

Verifying Package Integrity

All packages should be signed with our packaging PGP key.

To verify the signature, add our key to your keychain and then use the dpkg-sig tool to check the packages, like so:

$ apt-get install curl dpkg-sig

$ curl -s |gpg --import -

$ dpkg-sig --verify mailpile*.deb


Installation is straightforward; use the dpkg tool to install the downloaded packages themselves, and then use apt-get to install any missing dependencies.

$ sudo dpkg -i mailpile*.deb

$ sudo apt-get install -f

Now you should be able to run mailpile on the command line and join the fun! If you have installed the Apache integration, you can access and log on that way.

Note: If apt-get complains about missing dependencies, check whether matching packages are provided above.


$ sudo apt-get remove mailpile mailpile-apache2

You may also want to consult our Wiki for details about how to remove Mailpile's data files.


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