- a Free and open source privacy focused email client
- Protects your privacy
- Searches and organizes your mail
- Open source, Free Software
- Community funded and supported
- No ads, no spying
- Just e-mail

welcome to mailpile
Subject: mailpile is being rewritten!
Date: November 30, 2022
From: Mailpile Team <team@mailpile.is>
To: The Internet :-)
Hi! Thanks for visiting Mailpile.
We wrote:
> Mailpile is an e-mail client!
> Mailpile is a search engine and a personal webmail server.
> Mailpile is an easy way to encrypt your e-mail.
> Mailpile is software you run yourself, on your own computer.
About that... we are currently working on rewriting and modernizing the Mailpile code-base, moving from Python 2 to Python 3 and fixing a whole bunch of things in the process.
We are also exploring the possibility of creating a dedicated hardware device, to make it easy for people to keep their personal Mailpile up and running 24/7, without needing to upload their data to the cloud.
Check out the blog and community discourse for progress reports and details.
While you wait, please enjoy this picture of a cat:
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Thanks and welcome,
- Bjarni & the team
- Current release: tbd
- Next Milestone: 2.0
- License: AGPLv3
- Code: Python, JS, HTML5
From the blog: more posts
- July 13: Making moggie, Part 1: A Read-Only Mail Client
- May 1: A Mail Client in Six Steps
- November 30: Rebooting Mailpile

Our Community
Mailpile exists because of our wonderful community of supporters. To honor them, we've created a thank you page dedicated to all the people who donated to our crowd funding campaign- without them this whole thing never would have gotten off the ground. Thank you, sincerely.