The Home Stretch (IGG Update #5)

Posted by Brennan on September 10, 2013 ( Content may be obsolete! )

(The following was posted to IndieGoGo as a campaign update.)

Dear Mailpile Supporters,

We are in the home stretch- less than 24 hours to go on the campaign. We're up to a whopping $155,000.00 from over 3,500 donors who have faith in what we are doing. We can't thank all of you enough!

Please welcome our newest Postmaster General, Intermine, an Australian based software company that produces a storage management product called FileCensus. Intermine has "a lot of mail from lots of users over 15 years" and they wish to move this data (which is currently under the control of a very large USA based company) in light of given recent privacy developments. Thanks for believing in us, Intermine!

Over the weekend the team convened in England for some planning and dev timelines (which we will release soon) as well as to attend IndieWebCampUK where we discussed and hacked on various exciting decentralization projects that community is working on.

To better explain decentralization, and the role we feel it will play in creating a more secure and private internet, we've published a new "Conversations" video, enjoy!

We plan on continuing to publish "Conversations" videos after the campaign ends, as we think they are a good way of fleshing out larger ideas. We'd love to hear feedback from you on topics you would like to see covered in these videos.

Thanks for reading, and thanks again for your support.

-- Bjarni, Brennan and Smári


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