Thank you!

Posted by Bjarni on August 24, 2015 ( Content may be obsolete! )

After posting last week about fatigue and burnout, a lot of people reached out and offered encouragement or support.

I really appreciate it: thank you all!

On the code front things have been mostly quiet since last week, because I have been trying to get some rest. I'm not very good at that, to be honest, but I try. In spite of myself, I made some progress on speeding up the web UI (in my private branch) and some friendly volunteers from our community of translators have both found and fixed a bunch of typos.

Grant work progresses, slowly.

Tasks for this week

Tasks for this week are the same as last week:

  1. Not burn out
  2. Really finish the OTF grant proposal for real
  3. Write some code


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